Ms Gabrielle (Gay) Westmore - Life Membership
Gay say as the Chair for the inaugural meeting of interested person back on the 28th March 2009 and in the 10 years since the affiliation of the club with Dogs Qld as from 1st January 2010 has been President for 7 years and Secretary for 3 years.
In collaboration with other club members Gay has organised many workshops/seminars with international presenters, training workshops with both local and interstate presenters and as a trainer herself and has been part of the DWDCQ DWD competitions.
In those 10 years Gay was the author of a Dances With Dogs Training Manual, an Obedience Training Manual and recently, a Trick Dog Training Manual with accompanying visual aids all of which has raised in the region of $20,000 for the Club.
As well as during those 10 years Gay has competed with 5 dogs ( 2 Golden Retrievers and 3 Australian Kelpies), since the commencement of DWD competitions as well as being a Foundation judge in DWD and a Foundation judge in Trick Dog.
It is with great pleasure the Dances With Dogs Club bestows on Gay the award of Life Membership of the Club and we wish Gay many more years of enjoyment and participation in our sport.
Gay say as the Chair for the inaugural meeting of interested person back on the 28th March 2009 and in the 10 years since the affiliation of the club with Dogs Qld as from 1st January 2010 has been President for 7 years and Secretary for 3 years.
In collaboration with other club members Gay has organised many workshops/seminars with international presenters, training workshops with both local and interstate presenters and as a trainer herself and has been part of the DWDCQ DWD competitions.
In those 10 years Gay was the author of a Dances With Dogs Training Manual, an Obedience Training Manual and recently, a Trick Dog Training Manual with accompanying visual aids all of which has raised in the region of $20,000 for the Club.
As well as during those 10 years Gay has competed with 5 dogs ( 2 Golden Retrievers and 3 Australian Kelpies), since the commencement of DWD competitions as well as being a Foundation judge in DWD and a Foundation judge in Trick Dog.
It is with great pleasure the Dances With Dogs Club bestows on Gay the award of Life Membership of the Club and we wish Gay many more years of enjoyment and participation in our sport.